
Alexander Hinchliffe

Frost chuckled to himself at the first notes, and the crowd laughed when Stevie played with the

robotic vibrato. It was a

culture shock with the tube in his mouth,

he was plugged into the very tune.

why do

Birds suddenly appear every


It was one of those videos at the museum

one of those aisles you get lost in. It was everything

every crack and wheeze

all melodic all beautiful.


That is why

Pupils widened and smiles faded, the guitars sounded something of water and keyboard

like Archimedes’ screw, Stevie in the

spotlight, a galloping foley, Frost sitting,

his jaw set agape by the end.

I never can

say goodbye.

It is just transcendental. He goes somewhere else for a minute

tambourines and clave in tandem. And then

at the last note

he chuckles.