I Am Writing

Chloe Lin

because it is good for me. 

I have heard 

it will build a dam 

and teach me 

how to sew, 

work my fingers 

through the hole 

of a needle and coach my hands to dance, 

but I doubt 

anything could teach a stubborn thread 

to weave 

colors past a 

taut sailor. There is no surface, no breathing, 

only everything under it.

About the Poet

Chloe Lin is an Asian-American writer from Long Island, New York. She is the Grand Champion of the Walt Whitman Birthplace Association’s 36th Annual Student Poetry Contest, recognized in Narrative Magazine’s Seventh Annual High School Writing Contest and 1455’s Third Annual Teen Poetry Contest, and is published in Rattle, Ice Lolly Review, and elsewhere. Chloe’s previous experiences include four years of the English Scholars Program taught by Alan Semerdjian, The Young Writers Initiative Summer Mentorship Program with Khalisa Rae, the Ellipsis Writing Advanced Poetry Workshop with Joy Priest, and Button Poetry’s “Curating the Self” with Sabrina Benaim.