Pantoum for a Diagnosis

Alene Terzian-Zeitounian

After the apocalypse, I will go wild, braid

my hair and cliff dive, overexcite every

nerve, the ones that fail me,

the ones I hide; I will be reckless,

French braid my hair and climb the

crest like a wildebeest,

a reckless, unconcealed buckhorn, the

elastic pull of myelin,

a wildebeest’s crested horns; I will forgive

the countdown, cut the red bomb wire, the

myelin pull of elastic

is a nerve set free. I will dodge

bomb’s red plume, the countdown,

biding time radiation, lesions

less nerve than dodged bullet; I am free of

warrior, an inflammation of bravado.

I will radiate wildness; a forest of lesions won’t

stop me. When I run past,

bravado and warrior will part the seas, and

I will go wild after the apocalypse.

About the Poet

Alene Terzian-Zeitounian received an M.A. and an M.F.A. in Creative Writing with an emphasis in poetry; she also completed a doctorate in Education in the Leadership and Innovation. She currently teaches creative writing and serves as the Humanities Department Chair at College of the Canyons. She is also the faculty advisor of COC’s award-winning literary magazine, cul-de-sac. Her first book, Deep as City’s Ache, explores the Lebanese Civil Conflict both environmentally and psychologically. Her poems have appeared in The Colorado Review, Mizna, Cordite, Levitate, Duende, and Rise Up Review; in addition, a poem in The Bellevue Review is forthcoming.